5 Weight loss trends of 2022

Diva - 27 Sep 22

woman standing on the field during sunset
Photo by Jon Ly on Unsplash

We know some diets have always been top of the list of things people follow to help them achieve their desired weight goals and we want to dive into detail regarding the top trending weight loss tips / diets that is happening this year so far. Most of our clients have tried either one or all of these trends.

Some of these diets that we will mention below has helped some people, but it has also been completely ineffective for others. It is easy for people in our day and age to share their weight loss journeys and the do's and don'ts that they have come across their path. With bloggers all over the world and people more willing to share their stories via social media - well this opens the door to more and more people trying all kinds of things just to realise that it does not give the benefits as promised or the results are not delivered. 

Each individual is different, different ages, BMI's , lifestyles, medical conditions or even medications that are being taken by some individuals. This is why it is difficult to put two people under the same instruction and expect the same outcome. At Diva Slimming and Aesthetics we always advise coming in for the body assessment first before starting any weight loss treatment with us, this will establish if we can help you, if you will benefit from our treatment and advise and if you will be able to maintain your results long term. 

To get back to the 5 top trending weight loss tips / diets: 
The fact that we live in a social media era makes things complicated - everyone and anyone can start following any kind of diet that they find online. This can be dangerous , for instance - did you know the keto diet can cause kidney stones? 

Read more about the top trending diets pro's and con's below. This would help you decide if it is even worth trying. If it will affect your health in the long run, then why do it at all? 

The first one on the list that we get very often: 

Intermittent Fasting 

We know, fasting has been around for a very long time, and we know that there are people who religiously believes in it. But did you know that fasting puts your body into high stress mode? Probably not. 

Intermittent fasting has been proven to have benefits such as quick weight loss, detoxing, and the prevention of certain diseases. The 16/8 approach is extremely popular where there’s a window of 8 hours to eat and then 16 hours to fast. As it should be noted, intermittent fasting is not for everyone, it would depend on your medical history - any medical conditions, your BMI and age can all be factors that need to be considered before going on the fasting journey. 

We do not recommend this to our clients, based on the fact that fasting does not just break down fat cells but also muscle cells too and when your body goes into this high stress mode it affects the nervous system which at the end of the day leads to fatigue, a decrease in hormone function and burn out. 

Keto diet

Keto is very popular on the market, and the aim here is to eliminate the carbs and replace them with fats. See the predicament here? Our treatments are trying to break down fat cells, whilst you will be eating more fat? It is counter active in this instance. 

A downside here is that this diet is very difficult for vegans and vegetarians to follow as it is heavily meat-based. 
Another thing to note, is the fact that it is very easy to lose important nutrients that your body needs to function properly. a Lack of glucose can put the body into something called ketogenesis. This causes metabolic acidosis - which is a life threatening condition. Make sure to consult with your doctor before starting this diet. 

Meal Replacement - Shakes 

We know times have changed and we are in the buzz of things, leading busier lives than before. We understand that it can be difficult finding the time to do everything in one day - from working, cooking healthy meals, exercising and having an hour or two for yourself. Life is indeed fast paced. So we understand when our clients ask about meal replacements. There are various brands of shakes and flavours on the market - these brands also specify that the shakes are a good source of nutrients and provides energy for the busy people out there. 

The problem develops where these shakes are incorporated as a regular meal replacement for people who are trying to lose weight. The shakes are made in a particular way so that it tastes good, and to be able to achieve this - there is a lot of artificial sweeteners and flavour enhancers added. It is very rare that these shakes are made with all natural ingredients and even if they are it is very expensive. We do not recommend meal replacement shakes as a regular diet change, only healthy eating which consists of having 5 real meals a day that are portion controlled. Find out more about our healthy meal plans on www.divamealplans. com 

Number 4 on our list: 

Fat Free - the fat free diet or low fat diet 

It is shown that if you incorporate foods in your diet that are low fat, that it can help speed up your weight loss journey - because it contains fewer calories. But these products could cause nutrient deficiencies as low fat diets can negatively affect your vitamin absorption. Vitamins such as vitamin A, D, K and E are fat soluble. That means that dietary fats are necessary to digest them. 

So while it’s really great to choose food options that are low in fat, be conscious that some healthy fats can actually help you lose weight in the long term. 

Last but not least: A personalised Healthy meal plan

This is by far the best option and what we recommend to our clients. 

The concept of a personalised diet is quite new. The entire point of a personalised diet is that every recipe is picked specifically for that individual. This takes into account the person’s age, current weight, goal weight, food preferences, cm's in volume and allergies as well as medical conditions. 

 This is the safest choice because this is a healthy meal plan - not a restrictive diet. So the nutritionists create a meal plan with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks a day already planned for you. 

Some of the other benefits include: 

  • Calories, macros, and portions are automatically calculated every day.
  • Weekly shopping lists.
  • Daily menu 
  • Precision nutrition can also help reduce the risk of various diseases like obesity, metabolic syndrome, certain cancers, and type 2 diabetes

If you would like to buy your own personalised plan, start now. 

That concludes our list of the top 5 weight loss trends this year. 

DIVA Slimming and Aesthetics
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Email: info@divabeautystudio.com
Website: www.divaglobal.net

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divadiva slimming and aesthetics slimming aesthetics franchise business opportunity ultrasound liposuction skin treatments top 5 weight loss trends 2022 weight loss trends intermittent fasting keto diet keto meal replacement shakes low fat diet healthy meal plan lose weight diets weight goals BMI fat free