The best healthy snacks to carry on the go

Diva - 05 Feb 22

variety of sliced fruits
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Having some easy, healthy snacks on the go can be a game-changer for your busy days. Your body has a hunger switch, and by eating your snacks between main meals you will be able to control it.

Do we have to have snacks between our main meals? 

Snacking between meals are extremely important and the objective is to have high quality healthy snacks that can sustain your hunger between meals but also help your body to use this energy effective and efficiently. It might seem easiest to reach for convenience foods or head to a vending machine, but don’t let a sneaky snack attack derail your health and fitness goals. Snacks can be healthy! Nutritious choices can also help you feel energised throughout the whole day. 
A little bit of meal prep goes a long way, and there are lots of recipes you can make ahead of time so you’ve got healthy snacks on-the-go. 

What kinds of snacks should be considered? 

It is important to eat high-fiber foods, fat-free and low fat along with whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Fiber is also essential to a healthy diet. Eating a high-fiber diet will add bulk to what you are eating and you will remain full longer which will prevent unnecessary snacking on bad foods. There are 2 types of fiber, soluble and insoluble.

Having a small snack before the cravings hit will make you less likely to pull into that drive-through fast-food outlet. 

Conclusion: There are several options for eating healthy on the go. 

Is healthy eating the same as going on a diet?

No it is not the same, Healthy eating is one of the best things you can do to prevent and control many health problems, such as Obesity, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Type 2 Diabetes, & Some types of cancer whilst going on a diet means you will be restricting yourself from specific foods.

How do you need to eat to be healthy? 

The list is extensive, but healthy nutritious food is required. You can purchase a healthy meal plan today 

So the initial question should be: Why pay attention to what you eat? 

Snacks should also be included in the overall daily food intake and they should be nutritious. Many people have a wrong notion about the concept of healthy eating. So why pay attention to what you eat? When we do not eat healthy, then we become more susceptible to certain health risks. 

Snacking on healthy foods can actually encourage weight loss. Why? Because snacking helps keep your blood sugar regulated and helps squash hunger that pops up between meals. If you skip a snack after lunch and ignore your body’s hunger cues, you’re more likely to overindulge at dinner or later that evening. Fueling your body when it’s hungry is always the right thing to do.

Heres a list of the best healthy snacks on the go 

Carrots and Hummus—A handful of baby carrots (about 7), plus two tablespoons of your favourite hummus gives you a tasty snack that has a nice balance of carbs, fat, and protein. Celery sticks are another healthy option for dipping

Hard-Boiled Egg—Boring? No! Simply breakfast food? We don’t think so. Hard-boiled eggs pack six grams of protein – in just one egg! That makes them the perfect grab and go snack for adults who need to get more protein in their diet. We suggest sprinkling on a little bit of black pepper and garlic salt to add flavour. You can also experiment with your own favourite spices, like paprika. Peel beforehand and store in a container so you have no reason not to reach for your healthy snack

Avocado Rice Cake—If you’re a healthy snacker, rice cakes might already be one of your favourite gluten-free snacks! They get a bad rap for being boring, but toppings are the key to turning them into a delicious treat. Try one brown rice cake topped with 1/4 of a mashed avocado, plus salt and pepper. Sounds delicious? We thought so. This snack provides a great mix of complex carbohydrates and healthy fats to help you feel fuller longer. Plus, your snack game will get everyone’s attention! If you’re looking for protein instead of fat, try topping with tuna – tuna pouches travel easily, and can contain up to 20 grams of protein!

Almonds—One of the healthiest nuts around, almonds are one of our favourite snacks to reach for. They’re portable, tasty, and you don’t need to worry about carrying silverware around. Fifteen almonds will get you a snack right around 100 calories, with 4-5 grams of protein and lots of healthy fat.

Cottage Cheese and Pineapple—Sound like an odd combo? Don’t knock it ‘til you try it! Pairing 1/2 cup cottage cheese with a few chunks of fresh pineapple is an amazing sweet and salty combo. It’s packed with vitamins C, A, B6, E, and K, plus 12 grams of protein from the cottage cheese! Enjoy this tasty, tropical snack, and top with raw oats for an optional fiber boost.

Fruit—Fruit, AKA the original hand-held easy snack, is portable, delicious, healthy and packed full of nutrients that help fuel your body! It’s also one of the sweetest snacks around, without containing any added sugar. Stock up on fruit like bananas or apples so you can grab one on your way out the door and stash it in your bag or purse. Keep them in a bowl on the kitchen counter to encourage your family to eat healthy on the go. Don't overdo it on the fruit, having it everyday is not the right kind of healthy snacking. Purchase a meal plan on our platform and you will have a great variety of snacks to prepare and eat everyday. 

Roasted Chickpeas—Chickpeas are full of protein and fiber.

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