Why you need to change your mindset to be able to lose weight

Diva - 18 Feb 22

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Mindset matters, and it matters in a big way. The way you think about health and nutrition is going to completely change how successful you are at sticking to your healthy eating goals. In fact, experts often agree that mindset is one of the biggest factors when it comes to weight loss and healthy eating habits. It can either help you or hurt your health goals.

If you want to transform your eating habits, you have to look at your current mindset. If your current mindset is that you want a quick fix and want to dive into an unrealistic fad diet, you’re going to want to ditch this idea ASAP. While many people want a quick fix, fad diets that promise dramatic weight loss in a very short amount of time usually (like most of the time) just aren’t sustainable.

The end goal is to shift your mindset into thinking about your diet as a lifestyle change that you can maintain long term for better overall health. You have to get away from the mindset of viewing your diet as something that you’ll change temporarily, and then immediately go back to old eating habits when things get too hard.

So, if one of your biggest health goals for 2022 is to transform your eating habits, here’s our mindset challenge to you.
Ditch the term “diet” and start thinking about your current eating situation in a bit of a different light. WE DON'T BELIEVE IN DIETS!!!
Start to think about transforming your eating habits as a total lifestyle change, and remember that slow and steady wins the race. Small and consistent change is going to help you get to your end goal.

Let’s take a look at five things you can start using right away to transform eating habits that may just help you feel better than you ever have before.

Ditch the Guilt

Say goodbye to guilt when it comes to healthy eating. There’s just no room for it, and there’s definitely no place for punishing yourself if you are trying to get healthy, what you did before was in the past - focus on the now and address what the issue was that brought you to this point and be honest with yourself.

Think About What You Can Have, Not What You Can’t

This is a big healthy eating pitfall people fall into. It’s easy to think about all the foods you can’t eat and feel completely overwhelmed. When you shift your mindset a little, that’s when the magic really happens.

Want to go dairy-free in the new year? 

Instead of thinking about all the foods you can’t eat, think about all the delicious dairy-free foods you can eat. This is a super powerful mindset shift that can completely transform how you think about healthy eating.

Healthy Eating is a Form of Self-Care

Here’s another big mindset shift that can be challenging at first, but so rewarding. We have to stop looking at food as a reward or exercising if we overeat as a punishment. Both healthy eating and exercise are two forms of self-care, so we need to reframe how we think about them.
Take the idea of rewarding yourself with a bowl of ice cream if you reach a goal or making yourself run an extra mile if you ate that bag of chips. Just remove any sort of reward and punishment around the conversation of food and exercise.
Instead, start to think about how transforming eating habits for the better, is a form of self-care. So, reward yourself daily with nutrient-dense meals and snacks like fruit and nuts instead of looking at cheat meals as your “reward.” You are after all not a puppy, but someone who wants to reach those goals you have set.

Keep it Realistic

It’s easy to get caught up in healthy eating goals and wanting to transform eating habits immediately. Keep in mind that you did not gain all that weight over night, it might take a bit of time to get rid of it again and it will not happen in one week.

Take it One Meal at a Time

When you are transforming eating habits, things can quickly feel overwhelming. But, if you change your mindset a little and just focus on one meal at a time, things become much easier to handle.
So, ditch the idea that you have to meal plan and prep your entire week’s worth of food. Instead, just have a plan for what meals you’re going to eat for this current day. This will completely transform your eating habits, making things so much more doable.
If you want to transform the way you think about healthy eating, you may have to change your look out on life a bit. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be hard, overwhelming, or out of reach.

By simply changing your mindset, you may find healthy eating to be easier, more achievable, and more possible for the long-term. Give these things a try to make some serious mindset shifts to take your eating habits to the next level this year.

Healthy meal plans are available to purchase from us
5 Healthy meals a day that are nutritious and delicious!

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Pretoria: 012 472 0175

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