Winter is a Great Time to lose weight

Diva - 02 Jun 22

person holding white ceramic mug

We all have believed that summer is the best time to lose weight as it helps in burning more calories but a new study states otherwise. Working out in a cold environment can increase the body's ability to adapt to different temperatures and boost the fat-burning capacity of the body. While this may sound interesting, please remember that when it comes to losing weight, your diet, workout schedule, lifestyle choices - everything makes a difference.

Try new indoor activities

Cold weather can be an opportunity to try new indoor physical activities. You can climb stairs for a high-intensity cardio and leg workout. Dancing, yoga and martial arts are some other indoor activities that will make you burn calories without having to step out of the house.

Focus on quality sleep

Studies have found that not getting enough sleep can lead to weight gain. But winters can help you get more sleep, which can promote weight loss.

Drink lukewarm water

A lot of people drink less water during the winter season, which can lead to dehydration, increased hunger pangs and decreased fat burning capacity of the body. Switching to lukewarm water can stimulate blood circulation, break down fat deposits and help maintain body temperature.

Losing weight in the winter sounds like a tall order, but it’s possible! All you need to do is remember these weight loss tips the next time you feel your motivation taking a backseat to the cold.

Contrary to what we believe, the winter season is a great time to lose weight! The metabolic rate of your body is at its best and so the calories we consume are utilised better in winter.

 Not to mention, as we approach winter there is a tendency to eat more than we need in order to keep the body warm. Rather, we think it will help our bodies become warmer. 

You see, the body burns more calories in the cold weather because of which a calorie deficit is automatically created. As a result, you end up losing more weight in the winter than summer if you ate the same diet.

The best way to stay fit and find motivation in the cold season is to remember that when summer approaches, you can look forward to coming out of those heavy clothes to a super fit body that was kept under wraps for the time being. 

Exercise keeps your body warm and nourished, so you should step out and go for a run or cycle—both of which will help you shed calories too!

To avoid eating sweets it’s best to be well hydrated and be ready with protein-rich snacks like nuts which you should keep handy. Dehydration is quite common in winter due to use of heating devices at home, so remember that a thirsty body will crave unnecessary foods at odd times. 

Always drink a glass of water before you give into any temptation of hunger outside of meal time. In fact, warm water is a great option to sip throughout the day. 

Then of course we At Diva Slimming and Aesthetics is also here to assist you. We always advise our clients that the best time to come for their weight loss transformation is Winter, when the Summer season comes along they will be beach body and bikini ready! 

Use these few months and start your transformation with a Diva Slimming package! 

What you as a client should keep in mind when coming for your treatments: It is important to the treatment should be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy meal plan and we do recommend some form of exercise although it is not compulsory it will definitely add to your results. This will help you to maximise and maintain results. Following all of our advice can have your pre-pregnancy body back in no time!
View our meal plans now for added results! 

DIVA Slimming and Aesthetics
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Sunninghill: 011 202 5087
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